Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Alkalinization, Distribution of Meals


The fact that severe muscular work produces fixed acids which lower both pH and alkali reserve indicates that increasing the alkali reserve might benefit the performance of exercise. The maximal accumulation of lactate in the blood is greater when the alkali reserve is high. The extra alkali reserve allows more prompt and complete neutralization of lactic acid as it is formed and hence the higher level of blood lactate may indicate a better neutralization. Changes in the alkali reserve as a result of dietary alterations probably are not large enough to affect the ability of normal persons to perform muscular work.

Distribution of Meals

The effect of various distributions of meals throughout the day upon work performance indicates that frequent feeding is desirable. Three meals a day are superior to two meals a day with respect to physical efficiency. Production in industry increases when midforenoon and midafternoon snacks are provided. From the point of view of industrial efficiency workers should be allowed a reasonable freedom of choice of what they eat and drink during the rest periods.

A breakfast or coffee alone is insufficient to support a full morning of activity. A light beakfast consisting of fruit, one slice of buttered toast, milk, and coffee' if desired, will increase the level of performance in maximum work output and choice reaction time, and also decrease tremor magnitude during the latter part of the morning. A heavy breakfast consisting of fruit, cereal and cream, egg, bacon, toast and jam, milk, and coffee, if desired, is also better than coffee alone. It is doubtful that the physiologic responses after a heavy breakfast are better than after a light breakfast, especially if the morning's work is not strenuous.

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