Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Body Type, Feminine Body Build, Structure and Work

Body Type

Structure and Work

There exists a mutual interrelation between body structure and heavy physical work. First, activity modifies structure. The result of many years of using a shovel or performing on a particular piece of gymnastic apparatus is a change in physique which characterizes the worker or the athlete. Second, structure modifies activity. The differences in inherent structure affect the performance of work and sport. The linear individual is at a disadvanrage in work and sport requiring the carrying of heavy loads or the reception of body blows. The lateral type yields to the linear in activities involving a wide range of movement.

A demonstration that activity modifies structure is provided in the asymmetry of strongly right or left handed individuals. There is a marked difference in size between the right and left upper extremities. Measurements repeated from time to time show that the superiority of the right upper extremity over the left increases with age, demonstrating the effects of development through use. Asymmetry in somatic development is induced by certain types of sports and gymnastics. Swimming gives the most symmetrical development.

Feminine Body Build

The fear among young women that vigorous physical activity may result in masculinity of build is unfounded. Hard physical labor during youth does not tend toward the development of a significant degree of masculinity in the build of young American Negro women. Young women who already have masculine builds have some advantage in athletic ability, but muscular strength and power are of much greater importance to athletic performance than is body build. Adolescent girls with broad, lateral builds possess a physical capacity superior to girls with the linear type of body build.

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